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C.ORE™ - Packages

C.ORE: Games
CORE.HOST™ provides mirrors to various software sub-systems and they can be found in the MIRROR

To start, CORE.HOST™ will mirror Arch Linux but will eventually extend to mirror all major Linux distributions. You can use our functional mirror here: CORE.HOST™ Arch Linux Mirror

If we're not hosting an official mirror, you can also use our endpoints to hook into meta-mirrors available from any supported distribution. The following features are also supported by endpoints:
Distribution: You can distribute your Linux or Unix-like distribution with a specific endpoint type. Various checksum features are included by default
Openpackager™: You can also create custom package keys that can then be signed for the distribution using the OpenPackager™ utility package. These utilities also work on endpoints.
inquisitor™: You can use inquisitor™ to keep track of all your desired past behaviors and structure new behaviors according to what you've already seen and done
License-navigator: You can use a tool to navigate licenses that exist within your machine and vet new licenses to packages before incrporating them into your next digital workload.

Trial package mirrors

Recommended Distros: All distributions are responsible for their own warranty and most do not provide one by default and neither do we. Use them at your own risk. These simply work the best out of what we have seen.

Debian meets communityLegacy community rules may make new operators feel intimidated
Arch Linux like a true HackerAdvanced or abstract curiosity is paramount to success in this system.
Ubuntu started with LinuxGreat beginner systems come at a cost most of the time, but not with Ubuntu. More bundled software choices that 'just work' than other systems. Great Corporate LTS.